How to find a job you love

How to find a job you love

Finding a job you love isn’t always easy. We spend a large part of our lives at work, so is it not important to make sure we’re happy?

Enjoying your job will not only keep you motivated but will also help you to avoid that dreaded Sunday feeling.

When trying you find a job you love, you need to ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • What motivates you?
  • What makes you feel rewarded?
  • What makes you feel fulfilled?

Every person is different, and every role is different. What one person may enjoy may seem like a hard task to another. Therefore, it’s important to consider what you’re looking for in a prospective role and identify your non-negotiables.

Finding the role to suit you involves thinking about your interests, skills, and wants/needs. We’re going to take you through a few steps toward finding your dream job.

Consider your passions

It would be much easier to work in an industry you are passionate about. Consider what interests you to help identify a job that will make you happy.

If you aren’t sure how your interests could fit into your career path, why not speak to a recruitment agency? A recruitment agency can help you to find your perfect role based on your skills, interests, and what you are looking for in a job.

Here at Careersolve, our friendly team of staff is on hand to help you identify your dream role. Whether you need help with your CV, or just don’t know where to start, we can help!

Don’t focus on salary alone

Although, salary is an important consideration when job hunting, other factors are just as important. If your main focus is how much money you can make, you are less likely to find a job you love. The best way around this is to make a list of everything you would be looking for if money wasn’t a factor. As a result, you will be able to identify the type of roles and environments that will fulfill you.

Other important factors to consider could be:

  • Company culture
  • Working environment
  • Flexibility
  • Progression
  • The type of role you want to work in

Speak to friends and family for an objective opinion

It always helps to get a second opinion. Why not ask friends and family for some objective advice? This isn’t to say they can tell you what your dream job would be as only you can decide this. But advice from someone who knows your interests and skills could guide you in the right direction. They may even help you to identify some things you have overlooked, or things they believe might be a priority for you.

Develop your skills

Once you are able to identify areas of interest, it may be a good idea to take some classes. You could even earn some certifications in those areas. This will put you in good stead for future roles you may wish to apply to.

Expanding your capabilities could qualify you for a diverse set of roles. This could open doors that never even occurred to you.

Research companies and industries that interest you

One of the best ways to learn about what’s out there is to attend networking events. You’ll meet a variety of people who work in a range of industries. Learning about what they do could help you to identify whether that is something you’d enjoy.

You can ask your new or current connections for referrals or introductions to companies you may be interested in. You can also research companies via social media and visit their website. This should give you a good idea about who they are as a brand and what they stand for. It’s important that your values align with your potential employer, and that you agree with the company culture. Additionally, understanding a company’s culture and mission statement can also help prepare you for a job interview.

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