Passing probation: keeping your dream job

Passing probation: keeping your dream job

So, you’ve landed your dream role! The job search is over and you’re ready to begin your new career. However, the hard work doesn’t stop there.

Landing your dream role is one thing, but keeping it is another. When you’ve got the role, it can sometimes be easy to become complacent. But it’s important to remember that there’s always room for improvement, and you should always give 100%.

The probation period

More often than not, your new workplace will hire you on a probation period. The probation period is there to ensure the right candidate has been picked for the job. It also allows a candidate to see if the role is a good fit for them too.

Employers understand that it can be daunting to start a new role. However, there’s nothing to worry about providing you can live up to the expectations you set for yourself within your interview.

Tips on passing your probation period

Punctuality and time management

It’s understandable that throughout your working career, there’ll be some circumstances in which being late is out of your control. However, for the most part, it’s important to be on time. Punctuality demonstrates to your new employer that you are someone who can be relied on.

Additionally, time management is highly important when it comes to meeting deadlines. Don’t over-stretch yourself and commit to time frames and tasks that you won’t be able to meet. On the other hand, don’t waste time, and make sure you’re using your time efficiently to complete your responsibilities.


First impressions are important. It’s no good starting a new job and acting like you don’t want to be there.

Showing enthusiasm within your role and towards your team will go a long way with your new employer.

Demonstrating a willingness to learn from others will only have a positive impact on your future at your new company.

Good communication

Many organisations value the skill of being able to work well as a part of a team. A crucial part of this is having good communication skills.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. As a new starter, you aren’t expected to know everything right away. It’s better to ask questions if you are unsure about something rather than diving in and making mistakes.

Everyone was once in your position. If you’re overwhelmed with a task or need a little assistance, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your co-workers will be happy to help and will appreciate your honesty.


Be accepting of feedback, whether it’s positive or negative.

Everyone wants to receive positive feedback. It’s a great morale booster and we all want to be told we’re doing a good job.

However, it’s important to remember that we’re all human and you won’t always get everything right. Feedback is there to help you learn from your mistakes and grow as a person.

What are the main reasons people fail their probation period

People can fail their work probation for several reasons.

A lack of interest or initiative

Showing a lack of enthusiasm when completing tasks can give the impression that you don’t want to be there. In addition to this, the inability to take initiative when completing tasks can also work against you.

Furthermore, showing a lack of interest in your new role and the people around you is not a good look. It’s important to represent yourself both in a professional mannerism and as a team player.

Poor time management skills

Continually missing achievable deadlines will not bode well for your future in your new position. This demonstrates that you cannot meet the criteria of what is expected of you as part of your job role.

Good time management is a universal skill across many job roles. Consistently showing up late does not look good to your new employer, especially as a new member of staff. This is the time you should be proving yourself and your ability to do your job.

Poor communication skills

Communication is key. Poor communication skills or lacking the confidence needed for the role, in general, could cause your employer to question whether you’re the right fit for the role.

Additionally, regarding constructive criticism negatively and failing to take on feedback can put your job at risk.

How to handle if your probation period is extended

In the chance that your employer decides to extend your probation period, don’t panic.

This is a great opportunity to demonstrate good communication and resilience.

Talk to your employer and make sure you understand why they have made this decision.

Use this as motivation to improve your performance. With hard work and dedication, you’ll overcome this setback.

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