Job Seekers: Time to “Re-Imagine” your Job Search Strategy?

Job Seekers: Time to “Re-Imagine” your Job Search Strategy?

It’s the beginning of a new year and competition in the job market is fierce. The new year signifies a time for change and for many professionals this means a change within their careers.

In spirit of the new year ahead, resolutions have been made. As a result, the market is filled with candidates searching for new roles.

As job competition intensifies, are you doing everything you can to be flexible and stand out from the crowd?

The labour market remains robust with high numbers of vacancies however there seems to be a growing disconnect between what workers want and what employers are willing to offer when it comes to flexibility and remote working.


One of the key aspects of landing your dream role is the ability to be both open-minded and flexible.

You may have grand plans for your future, but no one can predict what will happen in two years or five years down the road.

If you’re asked about your long-term goals during an interview, don’t be afraid to say that you’re open-minded about where your career may lead.

That might mean taking a pay cut or moving across town or even moving overseas; it doesn’t matter as long as it fits with your values and interests and helps you grow professionally.

The important thing is that you’re honest about your willingness to adapt and change as needed.

The application process

The latest research has found that over 50% of candidates will change the way they approach their job search if they do not hear back from an employer within a week of applying for a role.

Candidates need to ask themselves, is this a sufficient amount of time?

Being a job seeker, finding a job is your main priority. Therefore, it’s understandable you are eager to hear back from employers.

However, we need to consider the other side of things. As an employer, filling a vacancy is important. But candidates need to remember that this is just one job on a long list of priorities on an employer to do list.

The interview process

So, you’ve secured an interview and you’re one step closer to landing your desired role. The question remains: what next?

It’s always a good idea to research the company you are applying for a job with before your interview. This will give you a feel for what the company is about and what they are looking for in a potential employee.

Furthermore, company research may further impress your interviewers. It demonstrates your interest in both the company and industry in which you wish to work. Not only does this prepare you for your interview ahead of time, but it also answers the question of whether this is a company you want to work for.

In addition to asking questions about the company itself during an interview, candidates should also ask specific questions about their potential job duties and responsibilities. This provides them with a better understanding of what is expected of them.

Don’t ghost! If you decide to go another way, it’s much more effective to let an employer know rather than ghosting them.

Ghosting comes across as unprofessional and could result in a negative reputation for both you and your recruiter. A negative reputation can follow you and may prevent other employers from considering you for a role.

Utilise a recruitment agency

Are you interested in a change in career but don’t know where to start?

Here at Careersolve, we understand that changing your career or job role can be daunting.

That’s why our friendly team of staff is here to  support you through every step of the journey.

Whilst taking a compassionate approach to helping you on your hunt for a new challenge, we will put every effort into guiding you in the right direction.

Whether you’re not sure how to write a CV, which career path you want to go down, or if you want a completely new role, we can help!

Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for further advice and support.

Alternatively, visit our website for more information!

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