The Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual Interviews


Since 2011, the use of virtual job interviews has increased by 49% and 60% of HR Managers use or have used video interviewing during the hiring process! During the pandemic virtual interviews became the standard as we waved goodbye to face-to-face options.

Virtual interviews aren’t going away anytime soon so here are our ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ to keep in mind before your next one!



Don’t – wear casual clothes just because you are sat at home. Although it is nice to be comfy during an interview, 71% of employers say they wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow appropriate dress code!

Do – wear what you would to a face-to-face interview. Unless otherwise specified by the job description, wear business attire for the interview. As you will likely only be seen from the waist up, make sure you are wearing a smart shirt, blouse, or dress for example.



Don’t – have anything messy in the background of your camera shot. This could be anything such as clothes, rubbish, or boxes.

Do – have a clean and tidy background for your camera shot. This will not only reflect well on you, but it will remove any distractions for the interviewer. You want them to focus on you after all!



Don’t – forget about your lighting and end up having your virtual interview in the dark or hard to see conditions.

Do – try to sit in front of a window for natural light or make sure the area is well lit. Even increasing the brightness of your screen can help. You want the interviewer to see you clearly so they can best understand you.



Don’t – sit in a way that blocks parts of your face from being seen by the camera or avoid eye contact.

Do – have a camera test before the interview to make sure you are clearly visible. Change the angle of your camera or chair to fix any issues! Look directly into the camera lens often to maintain a sense of eye contact with the interviewer/s.



Don’t – get distracted by your surroundings, other people, or your phone!

Do – clear your space of any distractions. Remind anyone around you that you are about to go into an interview and put your phone away for the time being.


Body Language

Don’t – slouch or fidget as this can show disinterest and could harm your chances of impressing the interviewer. Remember, you only have 7 seconds to make a strong first impression!

Do – try to sit up straight with your shoulders back. This helps you look professional and will subconsciously look good for the interviewer.


What do you think? These small changes can make all the difference when it comes to virtual interviews! Need support in your job search or more personalised interview advice? Contact us here, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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