When job hunting it is likely that you will come across recruiters. You might seek them out on your own or are head hunted for matching a possible job role. Either way, it is important you know how to effectively work with a recruiter. This is so you can make the most out of the opportunity’s recruiters have for you and your career.
We have noticed an increase in candidates not attending interviews or meetings set up with employers on their behalf. We have had a think about some common reasons job hunters find it hard to work with recruiters and have come up with some handy solutions!
Intimidated by Recruiters
We understand that working with recruiters can be intimidating, especially if you are contacted out of the blue! When we contact potential candidates it is because we have used our expertise in recruitment to understand you have the potential of fitting one of our job roles.
Using our Permanent Recruitment Process, we take a compassionate approach to helping you hunt for your new challenge. We put every effort into discovering your career goals and figuring out your personality. Therefore, this ensures jobs you are put forward for fit your skillset and personality.
With this in mind, we are not scary! If you are having second thoughts about the interview, please get in touch with us directly. We can discuss these concerns before the interview, instead of deciding not to turn up.
Waiting on a Different Job Offer
Not only are we not scary but we are also not stupid (believe it or not). As a recruiter we know that as a sought-after candidate you will be interviewing for other jobs. It may even be the case that you are waiting to hear back from another employer about a potential role. In this situation we find that candidates will stop communicating with us and ghost interviews while they wait.
Instead, please communicate with us! Let us know that you are waiting on another job offer. In some cases, we will be able to hold off on setting up an interview until after you hear back from the other employer.
Although not always possible, you won’t know unless you ask. After all, if we think you are a perfect fit for one of our client’s roles, it is in our best interest as recruiters to try and fill that role with you first.
Nerves and Imposter Syndrome
We have heard from our candidates directly that they sometimes don’t believe in their ability to fulfil some job roles we put them forward to interview for. Whether this be due to moving into a different industry or there being a higher salary. This can lead to an increase in those pre-interview nerves and can end in interview no-shows.
Although we may believe in your ability to interview for a new role, we understand you may not feel the same. In this case, please tell us! We can work with you to help you understand your abilities and help with techniques for tackling interviews. We are not recruiters that simply throw candidates at job vacancies, we want you to feel prepared!
Not the Job for You
With all that said, sometimes no matter how much we think you are perfect for a job, other factors come into play. We know that when candidates do not like a job role or change their minds, instead of letting us know they will ghost interviews and stop communicating.
Don’t do this! We won’t be offended if you tell us you don’t like the job. Instead, we can search through the other job vacancies we have to see if any are better suited to you and your goals!
Communication really is the key to effectively working with a recruiter. We are here to help, and it is always in your best interest to act in a professional way. Never burn your bridges with a future employer as it may damage your reputation as a candidate. After all, you never know when you may wish to apply for a role with the same employer in the future.
Looking for a new job? You can check out our current vacancies here and don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for regular job updates and advice!